Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mongolian Cake

How to make a Mongolian Cake.
I went to a Relief Society Activity this week.  They were going to teach us sisters how to make a traditional Mongolian Cake.  I was excited to learn, even though I don't speak Mongolian and there is only one sister in our Relief Society that speaks English.  Any way here is the recipe written on the white board.
For those of you who do not read Mongolian, here is the recipe
Flour 800 grams
Soda 8 grams
Oil 110 grams
Milk 330 grams
Sugar 420 grams
2 eggs
Salt 10 grams
 This is Batchimeg who is the instructor for this class. 
 She use to work in a bakery where these cakes are made.
This is Erdenesuvd She is our Relief Society President.  
One thing about Mongolians they are very creative and learn to make due with what they have.  
They did not have any measuring tools in the Church's kitchen so they used a cup and a plastic fork to measure the ingredients.
 You stir together the oil, milk, sugar, salt and soda.  You stir and stir and stir.  I think the explanation of why you stir so much is so that the sugar will dissolve.  Over here in Mongolian the sugar is in very large granules so I can understand why they stir and stir and stir.  Then you stir the eggs until they look well beaten and add to the liquid.  The last thing you add is the flour.
At this point I was a little confused.  They kept saying they were making a "cake", and the batter looked like cake batter to me, but they said it needed to be thicker.  So they kept adding more and more flour.  They got it where they could turn it out on a floured sack and roll it into what looked like to me, a large cookie. So then I thought, okay they are making large sugar cookies. Not a cake.

 Looks like a large sugar cookie to me.
 The trick is that you stack different cookies together with a hazelnut spread (Nutella, they have here in Mongolia) layering about four of the cookies together.
And then you have Mongolian Cake.
It is very good, not crumbly like the cakes I make.

 What a great bunch of Sisters!  
We had this activity and then we all cleaned the church house getting it ready for Sunday.
It is great to have sisters in the gospel wherever in the world you may be.

Scripture for the week: 2 Nephi 1: 15  I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love.
 I can feel my Saviors love and most of the time it is through the love and kindness of others, like these Relief Society Sisters.  I thank all of you, my family and friends who have shared you love with me for so long!

1 comment:

  1. I may have to convert this and try it here. :) Love you, Mom!
