Friday, August 16, 2013

Week of August 12 to August 16, 2013

This week we were successful in meeting with some officials that we have been trying to get hold of for a long time. We were able to meet with Ganbold who is over National Rehabilitation and Social Welfare wheelchair departments.  We also were able to meet with his boss, who is a minister in the Department of Disabilities. They assured us that they would work to get the wheelchairs distributed that were delivered back in May and that they would properly fit people for them and properly account for the wheelchairs.  They are new in the department and know that the country has not been keeping proper track of the wheelchairs and also keeping track of the people who have received those chairs.  Hopefully we can get this moving in the right track. Everyday, we have people coming in and wanting a wheelchair.  We can not distribute them because we have not been trained and also do not have possession of any wheel chairs.

Tuesday we were able to meet with Dr. Chimgee.  She is a leading ophthalmologist of Mongolia.  DIC has worked with her for many years and she has been instrumental in getting greater eye care for Mongolia.  Last year DIC paid for the training of Dr, Munkzayer in retinal surgery.  This year we were to help pay for the training of a 2nd doctor in this area with a focus on pediatric retinal surgery. But things got complicated.  Another previous partner, Dr. Bassanhuu paid for his training up front without telling anyone and then expected us to pay her back.  That is not how DIC works.  We can not pay anyone for retroactive fees.  So we have been trying to figure out how to make everyone happy, not upset anyone in this political arena.  Dr. Chimgee is a sweetheart, very smart and her opinion is valued widely. What we came up with is complicated and depends on a lot of "what ifs", but it would be exciting if we could get it all to work out.  


 We were invited to a FHE in one of the member's homes from our branch.  It is humbling to see how far some members have to go to attend church.  They either have to ride a bus or get a taxi. This is the house of Ganbulth and her sister  Gantull. was also visiting. All Mongolians are very generous, they serve you lots of food and watch you eat it. They usually don't eat until they are satisfied that you are full.  I always feel so guilty, because I know they do not have much.  This sister has been a member for 5 years, her husband and daughter are also members.  They missionaries have been working with her to get her out to church more often and to help her realize that she needs the strength the Lord can provide her to overcome her problems.  She is a great lady and so is her sister.

More Garden Projects

We were able to go see some more garden projects on Thursday, August 15.  The weather was cold and rainy so everything was muddy.  Again I am amazed at how far these members travel to get to church.  It took us forever to see three sisters that live in the same branch and they much live at least 45 minutes away from each other.  
This first sister, Gantulga has 27 geese.  She started with 3 geese. (2 females, 1 male).  She is the first member that we have met this year that has been getting eggs and hatchlings.  She does have her own incubator which probably makes a big difference.  She loves her geese and she also has chickens.  They all come running when she calls.  She gives eggs to her family and hopes to start a business of selling eggs, chickens and geese.

  Here a new chick has hatched and was having problems, she was trying to save it.  I was touched how she loving took care of all of her animals.  That might be the secret to her success.

The second household we visited was Enkjargal.  She also had a few chickens and geese.  Her ger was  kind of in a swampy area and the taxi we took there got stuck.  We all go out and pushed. Then he left us there, refusing to go any further.  Any way Enkjargal says she lives in goose heaven.  They have plenty of water to play in.

Here is a picture of our translator Muugii and the other 2 sisters walking down the road to try to get a taxi. It took us a long time to get transportation because of how far out we were. (PS, I need to get some rubber boots! if I am going walking in the mud and pushing taxi's out of holes)

I did not get the name of the third sister we visitied.  She had a fantastic green house.  One side was made of cinder blocks that they painted black to help hold in the heat.  She was growing strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and other kinds of squash.  They were using a pump to pump water through a drip system to water their plants.

 On Friday, August 16 with met with a wheelchair Organization.  It was a good find for us because they represent wheelchair users throughout Mongolia and they also have a wheelchair repair shop.  We always are having people ask us where they can go to get their chairs repaired and know we have an answer.  I know finding this group was lead by our Heavenly Father.  The mission doctor happened to see an article in the local paper and handed it to us like a month later after he was cleaning up his desk.The article caught his attention so he handed it to us. I feel these people will be a good resource as we try to figure out how to distribute wheelchairs in the future.  They are all wheelchair users and understand the problems of wheelchair users in Mongolia. This group has received donations from other NGO's including a van.  Now they need to get an able bodied driver to drive the van.

Scripure of the week:  Alma 33:4  Thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me.  Verse 8 Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them.

Our Heavenly Father does hear our prayers.  He is concerned for us and when we humble our hearts and truly listen with our ears and hearts we will hear him and his direction for us.

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