Friday, August 9, 2013

Visiting Garden Projects

On Thursday, August 8 2013,  we went to see 3 different gardens that are part of the Mongolia Garden Initiative that DIC funded.  This initiative was to help the church members to learn how to garden and raise small animals to help provide food for their families.  Last year they were trained in greenhouse farming and this year they were again provided with seeds and DIC paid for half of the cost of small animals.
The first garden was Enkhtyya and her husband Chinbaatar. They had 3 large green houses full of produce and also a large outdoor garden. They grow cabbage, carrots, onions, zucchini, radishes, eggplant, beets, turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. They also have two geese that they recieved through this program. They have 6 children that are grown and with families and these gardens help all of their family. They expressed their gratitude to their Heavenly Father for the bounty that they have to help feed their family.

 The next garden was Naranchimeg’s. Her family rents a large field where they grow beautiful potatoes, 3 different kinds of cabbage, carrots, onions and a whole lot more. She said her family has more than enough for themselves so they sell a lot their produce. She then took us to her home where she showed us her fruit trees and berry bushes along with the 2 geese and the green house they have. We are impressed with these Saints faithfulness in trying to be self-reliant.

The last garden was Dashgerel’s family. They are the original church pioneers in Mongolia. Her and her husband joined back in 1993 and were some of the first members in Mongolia. He has been a branch president and member of the district presidency and Dashgerel has served in many positions and right now she has been the garden coordinator for her branch. They were using the drip irrigation system that DIC taught how to use last year. (Water is hard to come by here, so if you don't have your own well, it is almost impossible to have a garden.  It is hard enough to walk a mile to get the water you need to drink and cook with let alone to get water to water a garden)

They had a green house and outside garden and also rabbits with a great rabbit pen. They hope to have baby rabbits soon. Her son was making a root cellar to store the vegetables so that they could have produce to last them through the winter. It was very impressive. We love the example that these saints are of simple humble faith and obedience

Scripture for the Week:

Doctrine and Covenants 104:17  For the earth is full and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.

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