Saturday, December 14, 2013


We recently have been asked by our mission president, President Benson to cover two branches instead of one. The branches that we attend are Chingeltei Branch and Sukhbaatar Branch.  It really does make for a long Sunday but we are so grateful for the faithful saints, their beautiful smiles,and for their warm and welcoming embraces.  We leave here around 10:45 am, we walk a little over 3.5 miles to get there. We usually get home that evening around 6:30 pm.  The Mongolian Saints are great! We learn so much from them.  They are a grateful and humble people and are anxious to know the gospel truths and to share it with their friends and neighbors. They show so much concern for us, for they know that we do not speak or understand their language, but a smile is the same in every language.

The Sukhbaatar Branch recently had 3 different baptisms.

Elder Faber and Elder Tulga with Barkhas.  This is a wonderful young man.  We have watched his testimony grow just in the few weeks we have been at Sukhbaatar Branch.  He has had the opportunity to baptize two other sisters. One two weeks after he was baptized and the other a week later. He bears his testimony every chance he gets.  The new members here are amazing.

This is Sonomchetseg ( I don't know how to spell her name)  She too has a great testimony and it was so fun to see her leading the music at the baptism a week after she was baptized. She faithfully attends her meetings every week.  She is a great new member

This is Otgonjargal.  She was baptized on November 29, 2014.  She has a great testimony also.  We are blessed to be able to feel the strong spirits of this brother and sister in the gospel.

Chingeltei Baptism

Chingeltei had a baptism on December 12, 2013
Baptized was Zulla.  She was baptized by a priest in the Branch.  Sorry I do not know his name. I am so impressed with the baptisms here.  For the most part, branch members perform the baptisms, speak at the baptismal service, and come out to the baptism to support the new member.  Afterwards, they have a short social (with some kind of treat) where everyone introduces themselves and welcomes the new member into the branch.
Elder Batbaatar, A priest who is a great young man preparing for his mission, Zulla, Elder Stanley

Elder Batbaatar, Zulla, Elder Stanley

I testify to you that the Lord Jesus Christ lives!  
That our Heavenly Father lives. 
That they both know us and love us.
  Because of their love they have provided a way back to their presence and to become like them. 
Because of their love and the restored gospel with it's ordinances 
we can be with our Families in the Eternities
 The pathway back is straight and narrow.  It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
It is taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
The way back is simple, the first step is 
Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
 Second is Repentance, 
Third is Baptism 
Fourth is confirmation and the receiving of the Gift of the Holy Ghost. 
We then need to obedient to the covenents we make with our Heavenly Father.
If we make mistakes (as we all do) we need to use the gift of our Saviors Atonement and repent.
The last step is enduring to the end.

Scripture: Mosiah 18:10 
Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

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