Sunday, July 21, 2013

Some pictures of life in Mongolia...

 We pass this on the way to Church every week.  We call it the car service road. It is quite interesting.  They are just off the side of the road doing car repairs.  They will dig a pit in the dirt to work on the cars or they put ramps up over the canal and then work on the cars.  Not exactly environment friendly.

We are starting some preliminaries on water projects for some of the Ger districts.  The ger districts seem to go one forever.  And people keep coming in every day.  Ulaanbaatar is surrounded by them and the living conditions are not great.  They need to carry their water, back to their ger.  The lucky ones might have electricity and an outhouse.  The others just seem to strew their garbage and everything else all over.  It was hard to get good pictures, because I thought Elder Nay was going to be attacked by dogs.  He wasn't concerned however.

This is one of the proposed sites for a Clean Water Station The area is very steep, and if I had to carry 5 gallons of water up that  mountain I would be very frugal with it.

The closest clean water station to that area.  They bring in water trucks, and fill the tank and then the people bring their water containers and fill up.  I was impressed they could get the water trucks on those roads.  They are full of holes, steep narrow and hard to navigate in a car.

 This is outside our apartment.  In Mongolia anything that is green is good.  They usually do not
weed or mow lawns, but this lady is cutting back the grass so you can see the beautiful flowers that she planted.  They are planting more flowers around town, I will post some when I remember to take my camera with me when I go shopping.

We went on a hike Saturday with President Benson and Sister Benson, Elder and Sister England and Elder Stewart.  It was fun to get out and enjoy nature and look down on the big city. It was beautiful.

Some sort of Buddhist Shrine at the top of the mountain.  You see these all over.  I am not sure what they are or the significance to the local people.

Scripture for the week: "All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.  Alma 30:44

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