Saturday, July 26, 2014

Testimonies shared, a baptism and a fun sisters zone conference

On Wednesday, July 23, we had three wonderful young women over for dinner and to share scriptures.  Batsetseg, (who is the young lady from our English Class that Elder Nay baptized) and Tsetsegee, and Tsetsegdari who are the daughters of Enkbold and are one of the stalwart families of the branch.  It was so inspiring to here their testimonies.

Batsetseg shared how before she and her family were baptized that she was not really happy.  She was looking for something more. She had questions of what her purpose was, is there anything after this life.  She attended English class at the Bayanzurkh building and could feel something there.  The senior missionaries were so kind and happy.  She decided to ask about the church and told her father about it and he called the missionaries.  She testified that she knew the gospel was true and that her family is so happy now.  She knows they will still have hard things but also knows that Heavenly Father loves her and her family and will help them make it through whatever happens.  She has graduated from high school now and is preparing to serve a mission.  She is studying her scriptures and memorizing some.  She will take BYU-Hawaii online courses this next year and a half while she is preparing for her mission.  Her plan after her mission is to go to BYU-Hawaii.

Tsetsegee, also shared her testimony.  She has been a member for over 7 years and has a great gospel knowledge.  Recently someone broke into their home and robbed them while they were at church.  They wondered why this happened when they were trying to do the right thing.  But they have a strong testimony and they know the everyone has to go through hard things.  She loves her Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  She loves the gospel and gains strength by reading the scriptures and attending Church.  She too just graduated from high school, plans on taking BYU-Hawaii online classes while preparing to serve a mission.  She also plans on attending BYU-Hawaii after her mission.

Tsetsegdari bore her testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and her love of her Heavenly Father.  She just turned 14 years old and would like to go to the temple again someday.  Her family went about 3 years ago and were sealed in the Hong Kong temple and it was a great experience for them

On Friday, July 25 we had a baptism at the Jargalant Branch.  Two young men were baptized.  One was a member baptism and he was baptized by his father, Jangaar.  The other was a convert baptism and he was baptized by a priest from the ward.  Sorry I don't have their names.  I see them every week in primary and they are great boys, I just have a hard time understanding the names.

 Jangaar, who is the Elder's Quorum President and on the stake High Council and his son
The other young man and a priest. (This young man is a great morin khur player and also is preparing to go on a mission.  
He just graduated from High School. 
Jangar's youngest son ALWAYS smiles.  He is so cute

On Saturday, July 16, We went with the sister missionaries that are in the city to Manzshir Monastery for a zone conference.  The Elders went last week and were rained out.  We were hoping for a nice day for the sisters and the forecast said it was to be hot, sunny with 1% chance of rain. We all hopped on a bus to travel the hour and a half it takes to get there. It did start our nice and sunny, but they only go through 2 of the 4 activities until it rained and rained.  It was decided to return back to the church building and continue the activities there.  Of course the sun came out when we were traveling home.  Most of the foreign missionaries do not get to see out side of UB because they need to stay in the city to teach English for whoever their sponsor is.  It would have been nice if the weather had stayed decent so they could have hiked and seen more of the sights at this old Buddhist monastery that was destroyed by the communists.
 On the bus
 Happy to be in the countryside!

 President Benson Teaching.
 Benson children are happy to be outside also.
 They loved to explore and go rock jumping in the stream
 Dr. Lewis guiding a missionary
 Puzzles are easier to do if all of the pieces are there.
Back at church learning it is easier to work with each other than against each other
Most of the activities focused on working with the ward or branch council and if everyone worked together with a common goal, missionary work would become a great success.

Scripture for the week: Moroni 6:5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.

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