Saturday, March 29, 2014

Week of March 24-29 2014

We started off the week by attending a Family Home Evening at Inkbold's home.
Inkbold and his family are one of the strong stalwart families in the Jargarlant Branch.
Their oldest daughter is graduating from High School this year and speaks very good English.
She plans on going on a mission when she turns nineteen and while waiting for that opportunity, she plans on studying English online to further her English skills.Their other daughter attends school in the afternoon, early evening.  So she wasn't there.  Here in Mongolia, most of the schools are what I call double session.  They have a morning, early afternoon session and then an afternoon evening session.  Just too many students, not enough facilities.  However, the Mongolians are very well educated.  They take their education very seriously.

Their son is a normal, healthy 20 month old boy.  He loves to run, throw a ball and to tease.
He is totally adorable and truly loved by his family.

On Wednesday we were invited to a conference on Handicapped rights.  We attended in the big Parliament Building and was seated in the second row right in the middle.  We met people from the UN and other NGO's from around the world.  We heard the Mongolian Prime Minister speak and other top officials.  It was interesting.  They realize they have a long way to go in providing opportunities for the handicapped, but they are aware and are trying.

After attending the morning session of this conference we hurried back to attend the going away party for the Gardner's and the Farmer's.  The Gardner's were welfare missionaries and also over the English Library for the English teaching missionaries and the Farmer's were the Family History Couple.  The Farmer's have been trying to work with the National Archives in opening up their records so the Mongolian people can do their family history.  It did not happen while they were here, but the process is in the works all because of them.  This is another important step in being able to bring a temple to Mongolia.
 We felt like this was an appropriate theme for the "Farmer's and the Gardner's"

 We wish them the best as they return home to their families.  
We will truly miss them, their kindness, humor, devotion and examples.
 The senior Chorus dedicating a song to each of the couples
Sister Nay, Sister Benson, Sister Stewart, Sister Gardner and Sister Farmer

Saturday was Missionary Service Day and we helped with the Cleanup 
at the Chingeltei Building.
The weather was warm, The sun was shining and the Sky was Blue.
It was great to get outside and clean up the grounds.
Here are some pictures of cute Missionaries working hard.

A good looking group of hard working Missionaries!

3 Nephi 14:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
 20 Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.

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