Thursday, January 9, 2014

Birthday and Wheelchairs

This week was Elder Nay's birthday.
We celebrated with Cake and Ice Cream even though it was -32 F outside.
The cold proved useful however in keeping the ice cream frozen while at the office.
We just opened the office window and put the ice cream out on the window ledge.
It definitely stayed frozen!
 Elder Nay received a very special gift from Muugii and her father.  
It was one of his original paintings.
It was a beautiful picture of the magnificent Mongolian Horses.
It will be something that we always will treasure!
 Elder Nay in Office with Elder and Sister Farmer
 Enjoying cake and Ice Cream
 Sister Farmer, Elder Farmer, Sister England and Sister Stewart
wishing Elder Nay a Happy Birthday!
Sister England, Sister Stewart, Ulziika, Muugii
Sister Gardner, Sister England

Some Wheelchair Recipients

As part of our calling we are to randomly call on wheelchair recipients 
and see if they really received a wheelchair and how and if the wheelchair is meeting their needs.

This is a 79 year old man that we visited this week while we were checking
on wheelchair recipients.  He was just walking outside of his Ger and broke his femur
right below his hip which required surgery and lots of pins. 
Then he broke this same leg again.  
It was determined that he will not walk again. 
He and his wife were so grateful to receive this wheelchair from
Deseret International Charities.
His wife has to do all of the work around the Ger now, and having
a wheelchair enables her to be able to take her husband out of the Ger.
 This 10 year old boy was born with a paralyzed left hand and right leg.
He however was walking until he was in an accident and broke his good left leg.
The mother really needed to have a wheelchair so she could take care of her son because
he was just to big for her to lift and carry around.
Both she and  her son are grateful for the wheelchair.
They live in a 1 room apartment  (There are 5 members in their family)
on the 10th floor of an apartment building.
There is an elevator, but on entering the building you need to go up a
 flight of stairs to get to the elevator.
Both this young man and his mother look forward to him
being able to walk again. Hopefully that will happen for him.
This 30 year old young woman was born with "weak legs". 
She has no strength at all in her legs.  Her family saved and bought her a walker.
She tried to demonstrate  how she walked with it.
She had to use her arms to pull herself up and
 literally hung on to the walker and tried to drag her feet. 
Both she and her family are so grateful for the wheelchair now.
She waited for two years to receive this, her first wheelchair.
Before, the only way she really could get around was to be carried by her family.
She now has a two year old son who also is exhibiting
the same symptoms as his mother with weak legs.
She lives with her mother and other family members who can help her out.

This is where the 30 year old young women lives with her family.  
It was the first two room Ger we had ever been in.  
It was very creative to connect the two
Gers together so they could be assessed from the inside. 
(It may look warm in this picture by what this mother is wearing
 but it really was -20F outside.  The inside of the Gers are quite warm, the outside is cold! 
You can also tell that we don't have much snow right now )

I would like to share the Youth Theme for 2014

Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him,
 and deny yourselves of all ungodliness” (Moroni 10:32).

I encourage you to watch the video at this link

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